Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ridiculous conversations

Every once in a while I find myself in a totally ridiculous negotiation with Lena. Here is the first list in what I'm sure will be an ongoing series:

1. Lena, please don't spit milk at the dog.
2. Lena, please don't put sand in your umbrella.
3. No, Lena, you can't eat the oven.

I think I'm in for it.

Me: Lena, it's time to brush teeth. Come on.
Lena: No. I'm still sulking.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

By the way

If you buy a 12 pack of multicolored glow sticks at the dollar store and take them into the bathtub with bubbles and turn the lights out so the bubbles all glow different colors it's a "rainbow bath" and it's awesome.

Best $1 I ever spent.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Breaking the fast

With rock n' roll, obvs.

Simple pleasures.

Car trip to San Francisco. Lena kept herself entertained for a good hour playing with (and under) this bag.